KFx - Learning of Substance
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Training & Consultancy :: Courses

Drugs and Premises - The Law and Good Practice (one or two day versions)

About the course: This course looks at drugs, drug legislation and drugs work from a worker or an organizational perspective rather than a client perspective. The aim is to ensure that workers are clear about their own legal responsibilities relating to drugs, on premises, during visits and in street settings.

Appropriate for: Workers and managers in a variety of settings including residential settings, tenancy sustainment workers, outreach workers, day-centres, children's homes, and any other setting where drug-related behaviour on premises is likely to be an issue.

The course can be tailored to meet the needs of front-line workers or managers as appropriate.

Duration: One-day or two day course

One day or two day? The one-day course is very intense and allows only a limited time for discussion and exercises. It can be most successfully used with workers who require an understanding of the key legal issues and where complex situations are rarely encountered.

For workers encountering use on a regular basis, or starting a process of policy review, the two day course will be a more appropriate package.

Tailoring the course:The course can be tailored to a variety of settings including:

Objectives: By the end of the course, participants will;

Course includes:

Format: Taught section, work in pairs and groups, whole group discussion

Handouts: Copies of OHPs and legislation briefing provided to all participants; additional informattion such as drugs awareness literature can be included by request.

DANOS Modules: Unfortunately an awareness of safe legal practice is not a DANOS module requirement and so cannot be adequately mapped against the scheme. However, although not a DANOS requirement, this course is essential to provide safe and legal practice.

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Courses overview

General Courses

Substance Specific Courses

Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses

Harm Reduction

Drugs and Wider Society
Commercial Sector

Skills-based Courses

Open Access Courses

In-House Courses

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