About the course: an essential course for all workers who engage with injectors. The course is intended to increase knowledge, skills and confidence in delivering effective, proactive harm reduction interventions to injecting drug users, in needle exchange and other settings
Who the course is for: all workers who engage with injectors. Includes needle exchange workers, hostel staff, nurses, drugs workers and criminal justice workers.
Duration: two or three days
Issues covered in three-day course:
Format: Taught sections, small groups work and work in pairs, homework and group discussion.
Handouts: Manual on safer injecting and further reading
DANOS Modules: AA2, AA3, AA4, AB2, AB5, AF2, AH3, AH4
Sample feedback:
"found this course really enjoyable. facilitator was well organised and extremely knowledgeable..."
"to have a trainer who delivers with such enthusiasm is a pleasure. Lots learned and would highly recommend."
"thoroughly enjoyed it . will speak very positively about this course..."
"would recommend this course to colleagues"
"amazed how little I knew"
"excellent, informative, believe it will positively on practice"
"well thought out and enjoyable."
General Courses
Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses
Harm Reduction
Skills-based Courses
Open Access Courses
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