The success of a training event is in part down to the delivery of the training on the day. However, the preparation of events can also play a large part in the ultimate success of the day. The following points are intended to ensure that a training event takes place smoothly and satisfactorily. We will send a pro-forma prior to the event in which specific practicalities will be addressed:
Run-in time: Minimum of four weeks run-in time is needed between the initial contact and delivering a course. This ensures that any audience-specific resources can be prepared.
In-house training: Courses can be delivered for organisation on an in-house basis. This is especially useful when large organisations want to ensure that all staff receive the same information, to enhance team skills, and to explore policy implementation.
Multi-delegate Training: DATs, co-ordinating bodies or other organisations often organise a multi-delegate event, where a training need has been identified locally that is relevant to many agencies. Such events are an efficient way of delivering training to several agencies.
Numbers: These depend on the nature and content of the course, the duration and the intended audience. In-house courses may be for a small number of people; course numbers have ranged from 4 to 40. For a one day, multi-delegate participative course, between 10 and 16 people is a good number. A seminar or lecture can accommodate larger numbers, but around forty people is the maximum for these events. It may be better to run several smaller groups than one or two which are too large.
Skills levels: All courses build on and enhance current drug knowledge. However, some course and modules assume a level of familiarity with drugs, and may not be suitable for those with little or no drug knowledge. In fairness to all delegates, especially on multi-delegate courses, participants should ensure that they have the requisite drugs knowledge before attending such courses or modules. We will discuss such issues with you at the time of booking.
Staff cover: Staff need to be in a position to gain the most from a training day. Sometimes, staff have just delivered a night's work before attending a course. They are exhausted, and cannot participate fully. Wherever possible, please try to ensure that staff attending course have not worked the night before a course, although we recognise that this is sometimes unavoidable.
Run times: Typical run-times are illustrated below. Please ensure that participants are advised of run times, and stress that participants are expected to arrive promptly.
Punctuality: If delegates turn up late (after 10am) the trainer reserves the right to turn the delegate away; if people anticipate that they will arrive after this time they must notify the trainer, venue or purchaser prior to 10am to ensure admission;
Attendance: This is a two day course and attendance is required for the whole two days unless agreed previously.
Venues: Purchasing agencies will be responsible for arranging suitable venues for training. Evaluation forms show complaints about venues to be the main cause of dissatisfaction amongst delegates. Venues should be large enough to accommodate all participants comfortably, with space to move around or work in small groups. The venue needs to have reasonable acoustics, and not suffer from external noise. Venues should have effective climate control, as a leading cause of complaints is excessively hot rooms, especially in summer. Chairs should be comfortable.
Delegate list: Please ensure that an up-to date delegate list is available on the day of the course
Accessibility: Please ensure that the trainer has been made aware of any special needs that participants may have which could affect their participation in the course.
Room layout: See image below for preferred room layout
Requirements: Flip chart, screen, Accessible power supply or extension cable as required. Data projector if available - please advise if one is available as Trainer can bring own if needed
Catering: Hot and cold refreshments will need to be available on arrival at 9.30am, for morning and afternoon breaks. Some organisations will provide lunch while others will expect delegates to make their own arrangements. Please advise if lunch will be provided
Delegate packs: A tailored delegate pack is put together for each course. This will include information and exercises that reflect the specific course. It is often more economical for organisations to duplicate training packs in-house, rather than us doing it. Organisations purchasing training can therefore be sent a master-copy of the pack prior to the event, which they the reproduce.
Evaluation: All courses are evaluated. Purchasing organisations can use their own evaluation forms, or one can be provided. For larger pieces of training, an evaluative report on the training will be prepared for the purchasing organisation, if required. Certificates of attendance can also be prepared, if requires.
Certificates: If certificates of attendance are required, then either the trainer can provide these or (preferably) the trainer provides a master-copy to the purchaser, who inserts delegate names, prints them, and has them available for distribution at the end of course. Please advise if you want certificates made available.
Travel and accommodation: To keep costs down, travel and accommodation costs are kept to the minimum. Early morning travel tends to be extremely expensive. Often, it proves more economical and practical to travel the evening before, rather than first thing in the morning. Purchasing organisations would be expected to pay for such accommodation, up to a maximum of £90per night.
Cancellation: the contract specifies terms and conditions in terms of cancelled courses. If you need to postpone or cancel an event please do so in good time to avoid penalty fees.
Invoicing: Monthly, following event(s); payment due within
28 days
Payment by BACS preferred
Trainer: Kevin Flemen delivers the majority of courses. However, other trainers, who have the same commitment to accuracy and quality, may deliver some courses.
Practicalities (PDF)
General Courses
Drugs, Premises, Housing, and Law Courses
Harm Reduction
Skills-based Courses
Open Access Courses
More Information