And the only weapons we've got
Are our hopes and fragile love
Welcome to the KFx website. KFx was set up in 2003. We provide drugs education resources, training and other tools to help people who use drugs, people who work with drug users and their families and friends. All the resources on the website are free of charge. We are independent of Government, industry, lobby groups (either pro or anti drugs) and operate without fear or favour. If you want to donate, please feel free to get in touch.
There's a KFx Facebook page (see to the right) via which you can keep up to date. This is to complement our Twitter feed in which complex and nuanced arguments are turned in to meaningless soundbites and drowned out in a sea of drivel. To follow us on Twitter go here.
News: The KFx Blog discusses developments in the drugs field. KFx News contains updates relating to the KFx Project such as site updates and new resources.
Training and Consultancy:: This section details all the important aspects of KFx training, including course summaries and how to book.
KFx Resources: A collection of free downloads on a variety of subjects; included here are some key documents such as packs on Cannabis, Steroids, Injecting, the "Sample Drugs Policy" and a collection of other free tools.
Drug Facts: A free collection of DrugFact sheets for anyone who will find them useful. These include a briefing, facts card and harm reduction cards
Briefings: section lists new publications that have been published by Government, academics or anyone else
Links: A list of some of the great and good organisations out there. If you want to be included please send details to KFx. If you want to link to KFx that would be nice too.
Contact: Who we are and where we are.
Images: A handful of drug-related images from the walls of the world. More coming soon..
material relating to Drugs and Housing has been moved to the Drugs and
Housing Website at: